ABI Systems Biology Group: Publications

2012 I. Siekmann, J. Sneyd, E.J. Crampin
MCMC can detect non-identifiable models
Biophysical Journal 103 (11), 2275-2286, 2012

K. Patterson, M. Catalán, J. Melvin, D. Yule, E.J. Crampin, J. Sneyd
A Quantitative Analysis of Electrolyte Exchange in the Salivary Duct
American Journal of Physiology, Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00364.2011

J.-C. Han, A.J. Taberner, K. Tran, S. Goo, D.P. Nickerson, M.P. Nash, P.M.F. Nielsen, E.J. Crampin, D.S Loiselle
Comparison of the Gibbs and Suga Formulations of Cardiac Energetics: the Demise of 'Isoefficiency'
Journal of Applied Physiology, doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00693.2011

L. Bachtiar, C. Unsworth, R. Newcomb, E.J. Crampin
Multi-Layer Perceptron Classification of Unknown Volatile Chemicals from the Firing Rates of Insect Olfactory Sensory Neurons and its Application to Biosensor Design
Neural Computation, doi:10.1162/NECO_a_00386

J.-C. Han, A.J. Taberner, K. Tran, D.P. Nickerson, M.P. Nash, P.M.F. Nielsen, E.J. Crampin, D.S. Loiselle
Relating Components of Pressure-Volume Area in Suga's Formulation of Cardiac Energetics to Components of the Stress-Time Integral
Journal of Applied Physiology, doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00438.2012

I. Siekmann, L.E. Wagner II, D. Yule, E.J. Crampin, J. Sneyd
A kinetic model for type I and II IP3R accounting for mode changes
Biophysical Journal 103 (4), 658–668, 2012

J.-C. Han, K. Tran, A.J. Taberner, D.P. Nickerson, R.S. Kirton, P.M.F. Nielsen, M.-L. Ward, M.P. Nash, E.J. Crampin, D.S. Loiselle
Myocardial twitch duration and the dependence of oxygen consumption on pressure-volume area: experiments and modelling
Journal of Physiology doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2012.228965

L. Palk, J. Sneyd, K. Patterson, T.J. Shuttleworth, D.I. Yule, O. Maclaren, E.J. Crampin
Modelling the effects of calcium waves and oscillations on saliva secretion
Journal of Theoretical Biology 305, 45-53, 2012

L. Wang, D. Hurley, W. Watkins, H. Araki, Y. Tamada, A. Muthukaruppan, L. Ranjard, E. Derkac, S. Imoto, S. Miyano, E.J. Crampin, C. Print
Cell Cycle Gene Networks Are Associated With Melanoma Prognosis
PLoS ONE 7(4): e34247 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034247

O. Maclaren, J. Sneyd, E.J. Crampin
Efficiency of primary saliva secretion: an analysis of parameter dependence in dynamic single-cell and acinus models, with application to aquaporin knockout studies
Journal of Membrane Biology 245 (1) 29-50, 2012
 2011 D. Hurley, H. Araki, Y. Tamada, B. Dunmore, D. Sanders, S. Humphreys, M. Affara, S. Imoto, K. Yasuda, Y. Tomiyasu, K. Tashiro, C. Savoie, V. Cho, S. Smith, S. Kuhara, S. Miyano, S. Charnock-Jones*, E.J. Crampin*, C. Print*
Gene Network Inference and Visualisation Tools for Biologists: Application to New Human Transcriptome Datasets
Nucleic Acids Research doi:10.1093/nar/GKR902
*joint senior authors

M.A. Mourão, J. Srividhya, P.E. McSharry, E.J. Crampin, S. Schnell
A Graphical User Interface for a Method to Infer Kinetics and Network Architecture (MIKANA)
PLoS ONE 6(11): e27534 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027534

H. Araki, D. Hurley, E.J. Crampin, C. Print, S. Kuhara
Gene Network Analysis and Application
Seibutsu Butsuri (Biophysics) 51, 182-185, 2011
(in Japanese)

E.J. Crampin
Point:Counterpoint: Muscle lactate and H+ production do / do not have a 1:1 association in skeletal muscle
Journal of Applied Physiology 110 (5), 1495, 2011

I. Siekmann, L.E. Wagner II, D. Yule, C. Fox, D. Bryant, E.J. Crampin, J. Sneyd
MCMC estimation of Markov models for ion channels
Biophysical Journal
100 (8), 1919-1929, 2011

D. Waltemath, R. Adams, D. Beard, F. Bergmann, U. Bhalla, R. Britten, V. Chelliah, M. Cooling, J. Cooper, E.J. Crampin, A. Garny, S. Hoops, M. Hucka, P. Hunter, E. Klipp, C. Laibe, A. Miller, I. Moraru, D. Nickerson, P. Nielsen, M. Nikolski, S. Sahle, H. Sauro, H. Schmidt, J. Snoep, D. Tolle, O. Wolkenhauer, N. Le Novère
Minimum Information About a Simulation Experiment (MIASE)
PLoS Computational Biology
7(4): e1001122, 2011

M. Fink, S.A. Niederer, E.M. Cherry, F.H. Fenton, J.T. Koivumaki, G. Seemann, R. Thul, H. Zhang, F.B. Sachse*, D.A. Beard*, E.J. Crampin*, N.P. Smith*
Cardiac cell modelling: Observations from the heart of the cardiac physiome project
Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology 104 (1-3), 2-21, 2011
*joint senior authors

L. R. Bachtiar, C. P. Unsworth, R. D. Newcomb, E.J. Crampin
Using Artificial Neural Networks to Classify Unknown Volatile Chemicals from the Firings of Insect Olfactory Sensory Neurons
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2011

L. R. Bachtiar, C. P. Unsworth, R. D. Newcomb, E. J. Crampin
Predicting Odorant Chemical Class from Odorant Descriptor Values With an Assembly of Multi-Layer Perceptrons
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2011

2010 A.K. Miller, C.G. Print, P.M.F. Nielsen, E.J. Crampin
A Bayesian Search for Transcriptional Motifs
PLoS ONE 5(11): e13897. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013897

N.J. Warren, E.J. Crampin, M.H. Tawhai
The role of airway epithelium in replenishment of evaporated airway surface liquid from the human conducting airways
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 38 (12), 3535-3549, 2010

L. Palk, J. Sneyd, T.J. Shuttleworth, D.I. Yule, E.J. Crampin
A dynamic model of saliva secretion
Journal of Theoretical Biology 266, 625-640, 2010

P. Kohl, E.J. Crampin, T.A. Quinn, D. Noble
Systems Biology: an Approach
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 88 (1), 25-33, 2010

N. Warren, M.H. Tawhai, E.J. Crampin
The effect of intracellular calcium oscillations on fluid secretion in airway epithelium
Journal of Theoretical Biology 265, 270-277, 2010

D. Loiselle, K. Tran, E.J. Crampin, N. Curtin
Why has Reversal of the Actin-Myosin Cross-Bridge Cycle Not Been Observed Experimentally?
Journal of Applied Physiology 108, 1465-1471, 2010

K. Tran, N.P. Smith, D.S. Loiselle, E.J. Crampin
A metabolite-sensitive, thermodynamically-constrained model of cardiac cross-bridge cycling: Implications for force development during ischemia
Biophysical Journal 98, 267-276, 2010

J. Srividhya, M.A. Mourão, E.J. Crampin, S. Schnell
Enzyme catalyzed reactions: from experiments to computational mechanism reconstruction
Computational Biology & Chemistry 34, 11–18, 2010

N.J. Warren, M.H. Tawhai, E.J. Crampin
Mathematical modelling of calcium wave propagation in airway epithelium: Evidence for regenerative ATP release
Experimental Physiology 95, 232-249, 2010

A. Sher, M. Cooling, B. Bethwaite, J. Tan, T. Peachey, C. Enticott, S. Garic, D. Gavaghan, D. Noble, D. Abramson, E.J. Crampin.
A Global Sensitivity Tool for Cardiac Cell Modeling: Application to Ionic Current Balance and Hypertrophic Signaling
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010

J. Cursons, D. Hurley, C.E. Angel, R. Dunbar, E.J. Crampin, M.D. Jacobs.
Inference of an in Situ Epidermal Intracellular Signaling Cascade
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010


S.M. Wimalaratne, M.D.B. Halstead, C.M. Lloyd, M.T. Cooling, E.J. Crampin, P.F. Nielsen
A method for visualizing CellML models
Bioinformatics 25, 3012-3019, 2009

M.T. Cooling, P.J. Hunter, E.J. Crampin
Physiome Mark-up Languages for Systems Biology: Model Modularization and Reuse
E.T. Liu, D.A. Lauffenburger (Eds.), Systems Biomedicine: Concepts and Perspectives, Elsevier

S.M. Wimalaratne, M.D.B. Halstead, C.M. Lloyd, E.J. Crampin, P.F. Nielsen
Biophysical annotation and representation of CellML models
Bioinformatics 25, 2263-2270, 2009

N.J. Warren, M.H. Tawhai, E.J. Crampin
A Mathematical Model of Calcium-Induced Fluid Secretion in Airway Epithelium
Journal of Theoretical Biology 259 (4), 837-849, 2009

S.M. Wimalaratne, M.D.B. Halstead, C.M. Lloyd, M.T. Cooling, E.J. Crampin, P.F. Nielsen 
Facilitating modularity and reuse: Guidelines for structuring CellML 1.1 models by isolating common biophysical concepts

Experimental Physiology
 94 (5), 472-485, 2009 

M.T. Cooling, P.J. Hunter, E.J. Crampin
Sensitivity of NFAT cycling to cytosolic calcium: Implications for hypertrophic signalling in cardiac myocytes
Biophysical Journal 96 (6), 2095-2104, 2009

K. Tran, N.P. Smith, D.S. Loiselle, E.J. Crampin
A thermodynamic model of the cardiac sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic Ca2+ (SERCA) pump
Biophysical Journal 96 (5), 2029-2042, 2009


P.J. Hunter, E.J. Crampin, P.M.F. Nielsen
Bioinformatics, multiscale modeling and the IUPS Physiome Project
Briefings in Bioinformatics 9 (4), 333-343, 2008

D.S. Loiselle, E.J. Crampin, S.A. Niederer, N.P. Smith, C.J. Barclay
Energetic consequences of mechanical loads
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
97, 348-366, 2008

J. Terkildsen, S.A. Niederer, E.J. Crampin, P.J. Hunter, N.P. Smith
Using Physiome standards to couple cellular functions for cardiac excitation-contraction
Experimental Physiology 93 (7), 919-929, 2008

M. Cooling, P.J. Hunter, E.J. Crampin
Modelling biological modularity with CellML
IET Systems Biology 2 (2), 73-79, 2008


J. Terkildsen, E.J. Crampin, N.P. Smith
The balance between inactivation and activation of the Na+-K+ pump underlies the triphasic accumulation of extracellular K+ ions during myocardial ischemia
American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology 293, H3036-H3045, 2007

M. Cooling, P.J. Hunter, E.J. Crampin
Modelling hypertrophic IP3 transients in the cardiac myocyte
Biophysical Journal 93, 3421-3433, 2007

E. Gin, E.J. Crampin, D.A. Brown, T.J. Shuttleworth, D.I. Yule, J. Sneyd
A mathematical model of fluid secretion from a parotid acinar cell
Journal of Theoretical Biology 248, 64-80, 2007

N.P. Smith, E.J. Crampin, S.A. Niederer, J.B. Bassingthwaighte, D.A. Beard
Computational biology of cardiac myocytes: Proposed standards for the Physiome
Journal of Experimental Biology 210 (9), 1576-1583, 2007

J. Srividhya, E.J. Crampin, P.E. McSharry, S. Schnell
Reconstructing biochemical pathways from time course data
Proteomics 7, 828-838, 2007


J. Wildenhain, E.J. Crampin
Reconstructing gene regulatory networks: from random to scale-free connectivity
IEE Proc. Systems Biology 153 (4), 247-256, 2006

E.J. Crampin
System Identification Challenges from Systems Biology
Proc. 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Newcastle, Australia, pp. 81-93, 2006

I. Barrass, E.J. Crampin, P.K. Maini
Mode transitions in a model reaction-diffusion system driven by domain growth and noise
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 68 (5), 981-995, 2006

E.J. Crampin, N.P. Smith
A dynamic model of excitation-contraction coupling during acidosis in cardiac ventricular myocytes
Biophysical Journal 90, 3074-3090, 2006
Supplementary Information

E.J. Crampin, N.P. Smith, A.E. Langham, R.H. Clayton, C.H. Orchard
Acidosis in models of cardiac ventricular myocytes
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 364 (1842), 1171-1186, 2006


N. Le Novere, A. Finney, M. Hucka, U. Bhalla, F. Campagne, J. Collado-Vides, E.J. Crampin, M. Halstead, E. Klipp, P. Mendes, P. Nielsen, H. Sauro, B. Shapiro, J.L. Snoep, H.D. Spence, B.L. Wanner
Minimum information requested in the annotation of biological models (MIRIAM)
Nature Biotechnology 23 (12), 1509-1515, 2005


E.J. Crampin, P.E. McSharry, S. Schnell
Extracting biochemical reaction kinetics from time series data
Lecture Notes in A.I. 3214, 329-336, 2004

E.J. Crampin, N.P. Smith, P.J. Hunter
Multi-scale modelling and the IUPS Physiome Project
Journal of Molecular Histology 35 (7), 707-714, 2004

E.J. Crampin, S. Schnell, P.E. McSharry
Mathematical and computational techniques to deduce complex biochemical reaction mechanisms
Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology 86 (1), 77-112, 2004

E.J. Crampin, S. Schnell
New approaches to modelling and analysis of biochemical reactions, pathways and networks 
Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology 86 (1), 1-4, 2004
(Editorial) Invited guest editor with S. Schnell: table of contents can be found here

N.P. Smith, D.P. Nickerson, E.J. Crampin, P.J. Hunter
Multiscale Computational Modelling of the Heart
Acta Numerica 13, 371-431, 2004

N.P. Smith, E.J. Crampin
Development of models of active ion transport for whole-cell modelling: Cardiac sodium-potassium pump as a case study
Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology 85 (2-3), 387-405, 2004

N.P. Smith, E.J. Crampin
Modelling Cellular and Tissue Function
Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology 85 (2-3), 117-119, 2004
(Editorial) Invited guest editor with N.P. Smith: table of contents can be found here

E.J. Crampin, M. Halstead, P. Hunter, P. Nielsen, D. Noble, N. Smith, M. Tawhai
Computational Physiology and the Physiome Project
Experimental Physiology 89 (1), 1-26, 2004


P.K. Maini, E.J. Crampin, A. Madzvamuse, A.J. Wathen, R.D.K. Thomas
Implications of domain growth in morphogenesis
In Mathematical Modelling & Computing in Biology and Medicine, V. Cappasso (Ed.), Proceedings 5th ECMTB Conference 2002, pp 67-73, 2003


E.J. Crampin, W.W. Hackborn, P.K. Maini
Pattern formation in reaction-diffusion models with nonuniform domain growth
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 64 (4), 747-769, 2002

E.J. Crampin, E.A. Gaffney, P.K. Maini
Mode doubling and tripling in reaction-diffusion patterns on growing domains: A piecewise linear model
Journal of Mathematical Biology 44 (2), 107-128, 2002


E.J. Crampin, P.K. Maini
Reaction-diffusion models for biological pattern formation
Methods and Applications of Analysis 8 (2), 415-428, 2001

E.J. Crampin, P.K. Maini
Modelling biological pattern formation: The role of domain growth
Comments on Theoretical Biology 6 (3), 229-249, 2001


E.J. Crampin, E.A. Gaffney, P.K. Maini
Reaction and diffusion on growing domains: Scenarios for robust pattern formation
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 61 (6), 1093-1120, 1999


C. Nguyen-van-Huong, E.J. Crampin, J.-Y. Laval, A. Dubon
Incorporation of silver in DyBa2Cu3O7-d ceramics. Correlation between superconducting properties and microstructure
Superconductor Science and Technology 10 (2), 85-94, 1997

 Auckland Bioengineering InstituteSystems Biology Group / Publications