Picture of Edmund Crampin

Edmund J. Crampin

Associate Professor

Systems Biology Group Leader
Auckland Bioengineering Institute
The University of Auckland
Department of Engineering Science
Faculty of Engineering

*** from February 2013 ***
Professor and Rowden White Chair of Systems and Computational Biology
University of Melbourne, Australia

Auckland Bioengineering Institute
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

+64 9 373 7599 ext. 88168
Enquiries: +64 9 373 7599 ext. 85360
Fax: +64 9 367 7157

439:643 Level 6, Uniservices House
70 Symonds Street 
2000DPhil (Mathematical Sciences), University of Oxford
Reaction-Diffusion Patterns on Growing Domains
1996BSc Hons (Physics), Imperial College London

Academic Record:
2011-Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Science and Auckland Bioengineering Institute
2006-Associate Investigator, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery
2005-10Lecturer / Senior Lecturer, Department of Engineering Science and Auckland Bioengineering Institute
2004NZIMA Research Fellow and Lecturer, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland
2003Visiting Research Fellow, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland
2001-3Wellcome Trust Research Fellow in Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford
2000-2Junior Research Fellow, Brasenose College, Oxford

Awards and Distinctions:
2009Visiting Fellow, OCCAM, University of Oxford
2009Visiting Fellow, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge
2005Early Career Research Excellence Award, University of Auckland
2004Faculty Teaching Award, Faculty of Engineering, University of Auckland
2001Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship
2000Junior Research Fellowship, Brasenose College, Oxford
1996Granville Prize for Physics, University of London
1996Governors' Prize in Physics, Imperial College London
1996Logica Prize in Computational Physics, Imperial College London

Publications: a full list of publications can be found here.

Editorial Boards:
PLoS Computational Biology (2006- )
Mathematical Biosciences (2009- )
Institute of Physics
Society for Mathematical Biology
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Physiological Society
New Zealand Mathematical Society
Biophysical Society
Current Research Projects: details of our research can be found here.
Vacancies and Research Opportunities: a list of current vacancies can be found here.
Courses: for teaching-related information please see my webpage at the Department of Engineering Science.

 University of AucklandAuckland Bioengineering Institute / Systems Biology Group